This is something that should not even have to be discussed, but here we are. . .

When should I bump an old thread?

If you want to post a new topic and have used the search function and found that a topic exist, and you want to build on to it, bring it back up for current discussion, or add relevancy to it . . then by all means. Feel free to contribute to an existing topic.

When should I NOT bump an old thread?

You should not be bumping old threads just because you are a troll that has nothing better to do with their time. Especially if you are flooding the lounge with stupid responses to old irrelevant threads. This takes away from current topics of discussion, clutters the forum, and frustrates other forum members. If you are someone who does this you should know that no one finds it funny except you so STOP doing it.

"But Nohbody, who cares the forums are slow anyway and there aren't even that many people posting"

Well I don't care. It does not give you the right to turn the forum into your personal dumping ground of irrelevant comments and persistent trolling.

This stuff is going to stop under my watch. I don't care if the forums are stagnant, the same expectations will be required and enforced.

You want to make an occasional silly thread and keep all your goofy commentary confined to that one thread, then knock yourself out. But I don't want to see multiple threads of it, and I don't want to see old threads being bumped and pushing current relevant threads off the first page.

So heres the cliff notes. ..

Don't flood the lounge with threads
Feel free to bump old threads if you want to add something relevant to the conversation at hand
DONT bump old threads just to be a worthless troll

When I think someone is out of step, I will contact them directly and have a discussion. If you want to push back, then it will be dealt with.

Thats final . . .