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Thread: Reintroducing: Poet of the Month

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Reintroducing: Poet of the Month

    We are reintroducing "Poet of the Month" into Poet's Corner. It will work fairly easily and as follows;

    The Poet who:
    Drops multiple quality poems.
    Gives consistent and quality feedback.

    While a hall of fame nomination would be ideal for PotM, it won't be mandatory.

    Staff will choose 3 initial nominees, and you, the poets, will use your voice to choose
    your winner. I'm hoping to boost activity with this, if there are any questions, feel free
    to post them here and tag me.

    We will have a December PotM chosen by the first week of January and will do so for as long as activity allows.

  2. #2

    Re: Reintroducing: Poet of the Month

    Best Rookie of Season 13 - Poet's Society

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